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RGPV CSE 8th Semester Soft computing Notes and Lectures
RGPV CSE 8th Semester Soft computing Notesand Lectures CS - 801 (Soft Computing) Unit 1 (Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence) Unit 2 (Neural Network) Unit 3 (Counter propagation network, Hopfield/Recurrent network, Adaptive Resonance Theory and Associative Memory) Unit 4 (Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy systems and Fuzzy rule base system) Unit 5 (Genetic algorithm and Genetic modeling) RGPV CSE 8th Semester Soft Computing Lecture 1.What is Artificial intelligence (Ai) | Introduction to Ai | (Eng-Hindi) | #1 2.Propositional Logic in Artificial Intelligence | propositional logic examples | PL (Eng-Hindi) | #2 3.First order Logic in Artificial Intelligence | first order logic in ai | FOL | (Eng-Hindi) | #3 4.PL vs FOL | Artificial Intelligence | (Eng-Hindi) | #4 5.Resolution in Artificial Intelligence | Convert into FOL | Part-1 | (Eng-Hindi) | #5 6.Resolution process in Artificial Intelligence | Rules FOL to CNF | Part-2 | (Eng-Hindi) | #6 7.Resolution proce...
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