How to Make Signed Apk | Unable to upload new APK file to Android google Play store in Hindi

How to Make Signed Apk | Unable to upload new APK file to Android google Play store in Hindi

यदि आप Goole Playstore के लिए Android App बनवाना चाहते है तो आप हमे हमारे Whatsapp Number 8120137278   पर आप  हमे अन्य टाइम मैसेज कर सकते है हम आप को Free Android App और  Paid Android App दोनों types  की android apps बनाकर देते है  2०० Rs लेकर 5०००Rs तक की एंड्राइड App है Signed Android App Ka Apk  बनाकर देते है साथ में हम आपको एक Developer Kit भी देते है जिससे आप की Android App Suspend ,Reject या Google Developer Console Account Terminate नहीं होगा कभी यदि आप  इसके अतिरिक्त अपनी Android App Publish करना चाहते है जो की goole play store में Suspend  हो चुकी है तो आप  हमारी वेबसाइट में पब्लिश करके पैसा कमा सकते है |

This Error Occur in Developer Console:
Unable to upload new APK file to Android google Play store
today here is an common issue and solution most developer are do it in first time.when Generated Signed APK most are put Build Variant in Debug able . then the apk file are getting error when upload on play store .If you are getting below error while trying to upload new APK file in google play developer console.

Solution :

If you're using Android Studio, the simplest way is to open the "Build Variant" toolbar on the left bottom and change it from Debug to Release then Build  Generated Signed APK.


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