Fortnite: Battle Royale guide | Here’s how to play Fortnite: the most basic tips for beginners starting off in the free Battle Royale extravaganza

Figuring out how to play Fortnite might be a walk in Pleasant Park for veteran players, but for those who are just starting off in Epic Games’ battle royale, it can be tricky to get to grips with it quick enough to avoid getting shotgunned in the face. Our list of Fortnite tips are sure to help out, but if it’s your absolute first time diving from the Battle Bus - don’t worry, we’ve all been there - just glance below for 19 basic pointers on how to play Fortnite. Everything ranging from landing tips to how to consume shield potions is below, but I’ve saved the best advice for right now: practise, practise, practise so that you're totally ready for the first few weeks of Fortnite season 5 . That’s one surefire way to get good at Fortnite ASAP, but in the meantime follow these tips and you’ll find yourself in the top 25 in no time. 1. You can’t take the things you pick up on Spawn Island with you When you spawn into Spawn Island you’ll see guns, ammo, and building mate...